I’m just another guy who loves to say “I told you so.”

Dear BJP,

I don’t know if this can be called an open letter. I think I’m writing this for myself more than I am for you. It is said that the Swami Vivekananda statue in Modi ji’s room is there to symbolically remind him that he is a social activist first and then a politician. This piece shall serve as that statue for me. It will remind me that I am an Indian first and then a BJP supporter.

I spent the first few years of my life watching on as my maternal grandfather attended Shakhas and meetings conducted by the RSS. My father tells me that my paternal grandfather, whom I had not the fortune of meeting, was one of the first members of the original Indian National Congress from Karnataka. My political opinions were probably shaped as I watched Atal ji and Advani ji speak fluently in a tongue alien to me, while seated on my grandfather’s lap.

Unfortunately, you’ve been out of power ever since my balls dropped. This time though… This time, you won; we won. The sheer volume of bodily fluids I have shed for you, in one form or another… This is as much my victory as it is yours.

Now comes the tough part though. I’ve spent a lot of time and effort defending you and promoting you. I’ve campaigned for you, I’ve argued on your behalf, heck I’ve probably risked a few relationships for you. Now, that period is over.

Now, that part’s done and dusted. Clearly, most of the country was thinking on the same lines as I was. You gave the country what it needed the most: hope. With great hopes, comes the title of a Charles Dickens novel that I love.

I have no doubt that whatever you do will be inclusive. I know how your organisation functions and I have faith. There are those who don’t, and I’ve spent a major portion of my adult life assuring them that what they think of you is a flawed perspective. I’ve told them that you will stick to your promises and that you will not do what your predecessors did. That you will serve the nation and not rule over it. Know this though; I will criticise you when you trip and I will protest when you waver from your word. I will be as strong a critic as I was a campaigner. I’ve spent a whole decade rooting for the opposition. My mind is tuned to find fault with the government; as must any citizen’s.

Those who know me well enough know that I’m a narcissistic pig who loves to be right. “ Right” geddit? So when I ask you, nay beg of you, not to fuck this lovely opportunity up, I do so with a very selfish motive. I want to be able to look at my friends in the eye and say “ I told you so.”

In 2019, I shouldn’t even have to request people to vote for you. You should be able to retain my vote and theirs sheerly through your work. I realize that the nation is in a messy state and that it may take a while. I will be patient and I will continue to have hope for a while. Just make sure you get things done by then. Thank you, for the hope, and all the best.


Now read this

Somewhere you belong

First of all, I apologize for the Linkin Park reference. Some of you have become numb by now. In the end, what I’ve done is make you faint, but I’m working on breaking the habit. Those of you who know me even remotely well are aware of... Continue →